Freak Show

Freak Show (2023-ongoing) is a project resulting in the formation of a collective of disabled performers and a series of performances along with a documentary movie that reclaim the tradition of the Freak Show. The premiere of the performance will take place across two events: 

the introduction at Świetlica Krytyki Politycznej Jasna 10 on 19.10
the main event during the opening of the new Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw on 31.10

Creatives and performers (co-creators):
Nadia Markiewicz (costume: Wisła Nicieja);
Babcia (costume: Ewa Zonik, VJ: Kostek Kostewicz);
Agata Wąsik (music: Marcel Pieczonka, MUA: Aleksandra Adamska);
Daniel Kotowski;
Filip Pawlak

Curators, directorial support: Łukasz Ronduda, Filip Pawlak
Dramaturgy: Szymon Adamczak
Light director: Sebastian Klim

Co-creators of the film module:
DOP: Ignacy Ciszewski
Sound: Jan Moszumański
Producer: Madants Film
Production manager: Emilia Jasińska
Theoretical support: Dr. Ewelina Godlewska-Byliniak

Producers: Fundacja Inqubator Teatralny, Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie
Partners: Krytyka Polityczna, Teatr Dramatyczny w Warszawie